Programs offered will host a variety of engaging experiences, infused with the history, heritage, pioneering spirit and endless innovation of our Founding Fathers, the original Zionists, passed on to the next generation by world-class educators and facilitators, hosting crucial conversations for our present and for our future.
Annually, the campus will host communities including:
- Southern campus of the Alexander Muss High School in Israel strengthening the connection and understanding of Israel for 2,500 or more American and international students.
- Gap-year Mechinot for Israeli pre-army and pre-university international youth providing hundreds of opportunities for leadership training and a deeper connection to Zionism.
- 30 or more post-university internships with leading high-tech companies in the Be’er Sheva region to strengthen the connection between innovation and Zionism.
- A Living Lab for Innovation in Ag-tech, ClimaTech and Building Technology as a platform for active engagement with cutting-edge technologies leading Israel on a forward path.
- Dozens of community groups from around the world for short and long-term seminar programs on the history and future of Zionism.
- A cultural heritage center strengthening the common bond of Zionism among our diverse and multi-cultural community.
Planned facility features include:
- International learning and conference center
- Innovations Living Lab
- Heritage Cultural Center
- Athletics and sports center
- Health and wellness space
- Zionist Cinema – Content Creators Hub
- World-class short-and medium-term living facilities for over 700 students, graduates and adults.
- 75 to 100 room Guest House