Pioneering Desert and Climate Technologies from the Negev to the World - Be'er Sheva

Pioneering Desert and Climate Technologies from the Negev to the World

Recognizing the potential of Be’er Sheva as a hub for desert and climate technology, the DeserTech Innovation Center was established. Situated amidst the breathtaking landscape of the Negev, this center serves as a focal point for research, development, and collaboration in the field. The World Zionist Village center for Innovation joined with The Merage Foundation Israel, InNegev, Israel Innovation Institute, Ben Gurion University of the Negev and Group19 and applied for a tender published by Israel Innovation Authority to establish a DeserTech and Climate Innovation Center, that will foster the establishment of new startups who will be tackling global challenges, and shift the paradigm of high quality employment opportunities by addressing employers and attracting them to hire Negev residents to their hi-tech positions.  

One of the key factors driving the success of the DeserTech Innovation Center is its high-quality value proposition for startups. The region’s unique desert landscape provides an unparalleled testing ground for innovative solutions. Startups will have the opportunity to validate their technologies in real-world conditions, gaining invaluable insights and refining their offerings.  

Moreover, Be’er Sheva boasts a pool of experienced human resources, comprising researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs with a deep understanding of desert ecosystems. This wealth of talent serves as a catalyst for innovation, fostering a dynamic ecosystem where ideas flourish and partnerships thrive.  

The DeserTech Innovation Center will utilize the World Zionist Village to offer a range of resources and support mechanisms to empower startups on their journey to success. From state-of-the-art demonstration facilities to mentorship programs, entrepreneurs will have a place to secure access to the tools and guidance needed to scale their ventures effectively.  

In addition to supporting startups, the DeserTech Innovation Center plays a crucial role in advancing research and knowledge exchange in the field of desert and climate technologies. Collaborations with academic institutions, government agencies, and industry partners facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas and drive forward-thinking initiatives.  

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, the work being done at the DeserTech Innovation Center holds immense significance. By harnessing the power of innovation and collaboration, we can unlock sustainable solutions to ensure the prosperity of arid regions and beyond.  

*The DeserTech and Climate Innovation Center is a proud partner of the World Zionist Village Living Lab Campus.